Working Group on Mediterranean Ophiolites - Winter Meeting - University of Parma, February 21, 2025
10.15-10.30 -WELCOME
10.10-11.30- Scientific communications
10.30-10.50 C.F. Crotti, G. Borghini, P. Fumagalli, M. Tiepolo, E. Rampone, S. Klemme. Oceanic mantle refertilization via melt-harzburgite interaction: insigths from experiments
10.50-11.10 Lopez, A. Zanetti, A. Tommasi, A. Langone, J.A. Padrón Navarta, A. Vauchez, M. Cosimo Carafa. Nature of the mantle-crust transition in the Finero complex (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
11.10-11.30 Mariani, R. Tribuzio, T. Liu, F-Y Wu, A. Zanetti. Crystallization of hydrous mantle magmas at the base of extending continental crust: evidence from the mafic complex of the Ivrea-Verbano zone (Italian Alps)
11.30-11.50 Coffee break
11.50-13.10 - Scientific communications
11.50-12.10 Tagliacollo, C. Bonadiman, E. Saccani, G. Bianchini, R. Tassinari. Mineralizations in ophiolite-related volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits from the Modena province, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy
12.10-12.30 Rotta, C. Bonadiman, G. Bianchini, A.Cipriani. Characterization of ophiolite-related river sediments of the Emilia-Romagna region for potential strategic raw materials recovery(SRMR)
12.30-12.50 Bussolesi, G. Grieco, Q. Hyseni, A. Cavallo. Genesis of Ti-V enriched chromite during polyphasic alteration of ophiolitic chromitites from Deva, Kosovo
12.50-13.10 Indelicato, R. Cirrincione, R. Visalli, G. Rizzo, R. Buccione, R. Punturo. Asbestos and fibrous minerals in Southern Apennines (Italy) ophiolites: georesource potential and environmental health implications
13.10-14.20 Lunch break
14.20-16.20 - Scientific communications
14.20-14.40 Frasca, G. Manatschal, G. Prosser, D. Rubatto, M. Ulrich, N. Curetti, L. Barale, R. Compagnoni. Piecing together the pre-orogenic state: a case-study from the southernmost Apennines (Nord Calabrese Liguride Unit, Italy)
14.40-15.00 Arboit, A. Decarlis, K. Drost, R. Tribuzio, Chew, F. Farina, M. Tiepolo, A. Ceriani. Slab tearing, the missing piece in the puzzle of the Semail ophiolite emplacement?
15.00-15.20 Battifora, C. Ferrando, L. Crispini*, M. Godard, V. Basch, E. Rampone. Spinel facies reactive melt percolation: microstructural insights from the Oman lithospheric mantle
15.20-15.40 Sanfilippo, N. Zitellini, A. Malinverno, E. Estes and the IODP Expedition 402 Scientific Party. Petrological variability of two in-situ mantle sections from the Tyrrhenian Sea: preliminary results of IODP Expedition 402
15.40-16.00 Brunelli, A. Cipriani, L. Verhoest, M. Michailow, M. Ligi, C. Hemond, A. Soltanmohammadi, M. Maia, F. Lugli, P. Nonnotte. Mantle heterogeneity: the Pandora’s box of the Romanche FZ, Equatorial Atlantic
16.00-16.20 Scarani, A. Sanfilippo, V. Basch, A. Stracke, F. Genske. Compositional variability of the oceanic crust as a function of spreading rate: insights from the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge (Arctic Ocean)
16.20 – Assemblea G.L.O.M.
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